In a picturesque Wielkopolska scenery of Kierskie lake a new housing estate was built, which would make Leonardo DiCaprio, famous for years for his support of nature protection projects, nod in approval. The housing estate named “Chyby nad Jeziorem” was designed within a city village concept.
The investor took all efforts to exclusively apply construction solutions that will be beneficial to the health of its future inhabitants and the environment.
Each of 10 environmentally friendly residencies was built in a German MHM (Massive Holtz Mauer) technology, the only one in the market that enables a house construction with a passive house characteristics, including heat-accumulating walls, capable of independently regulating humidity level in standard residential conditions. The system uses unimpregnated solid wooden timber for constructing walls, which allows to significantly decrease the amount of chemicals typically used for erecting walls or ceilings and floors.
The environmentally friendly concept of Chyby housing estate was also supported by 3THERMO. Innovative concealed radiators distribute heat in the house in winter and absorb excessive heat in summer months, transporting it outside the house.
Although the housing estate is still under construction and it is time for the finishing touches, the effects of many months’ work can already be seen. They feature 3THERMO radiators, now connected to the heat pump.