In recognition of outstanding advantages of our product and benefits from its use as regards effectiveness and energy savings, 3THERMO has received an exceptional distinction from the Polski Instytut Budownictwa Pasywnego i Energii Odnawialnej imienia Güntera Schlagowskiego NON-PROFIT Sp. z o.o. (Günter Schlagowski Polish Institute of Passive Building Systems and Renewable Energy).
PIBPiEO is a Polish entity accredited by the Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt to conduct the certification of passive buildings and provide CEPH training.
Passive Building Ambassadors are a group of companies from various areas of the construction industry that introduce innovation onto the Polish market in the form of components and construction systems to be used in passive buildings and provide services in the design and construction of such facilities based on passive building criteria according to the highest standards developed by the Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt.